Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thinking about fall..

Alright so it's fall, the weather is a lot colder, the days are a lot shorter and our yard looks like ten trees exploded. With the dark and cold usually means I'm hibernated indoors only to come out when I'm fooled by what appears to be a "warm sunny day" but instead is arctic like and freezing. However, this year I'm going to embrace Canadian weather by actually purchasing a warm seasonal jacket and boots that don't make me slide halfway down the street.

Also, here is my fall/winter to do list..

-purchase a new camera to take almost everywhere.
-crochet more scarfs then I know what do with 
-go ice skating downtown more than once
-visit friends in Kingston and stay somewhere haunted
-host a potluck X-mas gathering
-find antique auctions 
-take a fall road trip to the "Big Apple"..this one..
I'm going to start thinking about list number 2, but this is a good start!

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