Sunday, August 22, 2010

You make me smile

When we go shopping for records..

When we go thrift shopping!

When I see your child like expression when you're truly excited about something. 
When we go on super fun adventures!

You make me smile when I am sad
When we are hanging out with Cassie. 
There are many, many, more reasons.
Late night thoughts..when you are away.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Road Trip!

We headed east on our summer vacation. My mission was to see the ocean, after much planning we decided on driving to the Gaspe Peninsula with a couple of stops on the way. 

First stop Ottawa and the Parliament buildings. 

With this cute guy.
The closest I've ever been to jail.
Sleeping in a Jail converted into a hostel.  

Jail Orb. 

Bird Love 
Forillon Park is beautiful. 
Old shoe boxes. 

A tourist everywhere I go. 
Pretty Light house. 
Ocean View. 
Heroic Boyfriend. 
Gorgeous views. 

We traveled all through Quebec, it is truly beautiful. Between driving through old port towns, camping by the ocean, and trying to understand French.... I want to go back!

Monday, August 16, 2010

I feel like an official Torontonian

I went to my first Blue Jaya game and they won!
Never did I think I would be chanting "Let's Go Blue Jays" and mean it!
One of my favorite day dates in the city.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

As girly as it may be..

I love flowers from my guy.

A little surprise from the market. xo.